Bob Blondin

Robert (Bob) Blondin has spent over 40 years in the business world. His prior role was as a vice president at Xerox Learning Services, a Xerox Company. He acted as the firm’s chief learning strategist. Prior to that, he spent ten years as a partner at Ernst & Young.
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Business-Driven Learning from the Outside-In

May 18, 2018 4:19:06 PM / by Bob Blondin posted in Modern Learning, Strategy


What does it really mean to do outside-in learning effectively?

Everyone involved with corporate learning knows that learning needs to be designed from the outside in. We all try to start from the business objectives and work backward to the learning solution(s). But while this approach seems intuitively obvious, experience shows that there is not much agreement on what it really means to do this effectively, and no true understanding of why this type of approach is so important.
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